How to Choose a Maryland Weight Loss Center

How to Choose a Maryland Weight Loss Center

Losing weight can be difficult for many people, but with the help of a Maryland weight loss center, you too can be successful. More than 70% of adults in the U.S. are considered overweight or obese. Carrying excess weight can lead to serious health conditions, making it even more important to maintain a healthy weight.

Benefits of Seeing a Bariatric Dietician Fairfax

Benefits of Seeing a Bariatric Dietician Fairfax

Weight loss surgery is a transformative step and seeing a bariatric dietician in Fairfax will only benefit you and improve your success. Here’s what you need to know about bariatric dieticians and how they aid your weight loss journey.

Customized Nutritional Guidance

Weight loss surgery creates significant change to your digestive system.

Benefits of Robotic Bariatric Surgery Northern Virginia

Benefits of Robotic Bariatric Surgery Northern Virginia

Robotic bariatric surgery in Northern Virginia may sound like something from the future, but in fact, it’s very real. The field of robotic bariatric surgery is advancing and that gives surgeons, and patients, new opportunities for weight loss solutions. Additionally, there are many benefits of robotic bariatric surgery.

DaVinci Robot

The DaVinci robot is a sophisticated surgical system.

Acid Reflux Surgery Northern Virginia

Acid Reflux Surgery Northern Virginia

Acid reflux surgery in Northern Virginia is a safe and effective method of alleviating the symptoms of GERD. GERD occurs when there is a dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter. So, most acid reflux surgeries aim to reinforce and strengthen this sphincter. This makes it possible for the sphincter to function properly,