weight loss surgery approval time

How Long Does Weight Loss Surgery Approval Take?

Once you have decided on weight loss surgery, you probably want to take the next steps as quickly as possible. So how long does weight loss surgery approval take? Let’s look at the process.

Educational Seminar

Before surgery, you will likely attend an educational seminar. This educates the patient on all the things you need to know about your weight loss surgery.

single anastomosis duodenal switch

What is the Single Anastomosis Duodenal Switch? SADI / SIPS Procedure

Deciding which bariatric surgery is right for you is a task that you and your surgeon take very seriously. One procedure to you might consider is the Single Anastomosis Duodenal Switch (abbreviated SADI or SIPS).

Keep reading to learn how this surgery differs from similar weight loss surgeries.

What is a SADI / SIPS Procedure?

bariatric telemedicine

Bariatric Telemedicine: Start Your Weight Loss Journey Now

Due to the current situation with COVID-19, many of us are being asked to put off elective and non-urgent medical appointments. While this is necessary, bariatric telemedicine makes it possible to begin your weight loss journey safely.

Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery involves surgically altering the digestive system to promote weight loss.