non-scale victories of weight loss

Celebrating Non-Scale Victories: A Journey Beyond Weight Loss

After bariatric surgery, you may find yourself fixated on the scale. Weight loss often becomes the main focus for many individuals, especially those who have recently undergone bariatric and metabolic surgery. While bariatric surgery is indeed a transformative journey, its importance goes beyond just the numbers on your scale. 

Celebrating Non-Scale Victories

There will be times when weight loss progresses rapidly and other times when it slows down or stalls.

Life After Bariatric Surgery in Maryland

Life After Bariatric Surgery in Maryland

If you are considering weight loss surgery, you likely have many questions. This probably includes wondering about life after bariatric surgery in Maryland. What can you expect? What changes will you need to institute in order to reach your goals? Here’s what you need to know about life after bariatric surgery.

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery Rockville

Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery Rockville

Weight loss surgery in Rockville can be a life changing procedure for patients suffering from obesity. While dramatic weight loss is an obvious benefit, there are many other significant benefits of weight loss surgery. Here’s what you should know.

Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Levels

Within two to three months of weight loss surgery,

Tips for Holiday Dinners After Weight Loss Surgery

Tips for Holiday Dinners After Weight Loss Surgery

Holiday dinners after weight loss surgery can be particularly challenging. With so many wondering dishes, desserts, and holiday drinks it is way too easy to overindulge. Here are some tips for navigating holiday dinners after weight loss surgery.

Stick to a Schedule

Don’t skip meals. Do your best to stick to a regular eating schedule.

Importance of Weight Loss Surgery Support Groups Near Me

Importance of Weight Loss Surgery Support Groups Near Me

Bariatric surgery can be a life changing event for patients struggling with obesity. However, a weight loss surgery support group is essential to success. Meeting with other people who are or have been in your same position is a great way to stay motivated and adjust to life after bariatric surgery. Here are some of the reasons support groups are so important.