Safest Form of Weight Loss Surgery | Maryland

Safest Form of Weight Loss Surgery | Maryland

When you have obesity and lifestyle changes haven’t led to significant weight loss, weight loss surgery might be an option. Also known as bariatric surgery, these procedures assist by altering your stomach size and appetite. The safest form of weight loss surgery in Maryland all depends on what you and your doctor believe is best for your body.

Types of Weight Loss Surgery

Safest Form of Weight Loss Surgery | Maryland

There are several types of weight loss surgery, each helping with weight loss in different ways. The choice of surgery depends on your specific weight loss and health needs.

Restrictive Surgery: This type works by reducing the size of your stomach, limiting how much you can eat. A smaller stomach means you feel fuller faster and consume less food.

Malabsorptive Surgery: This approach alters how your body digests food, leading to fewer calories being absorbed. It typically involves rerouting food through your digestive system and may involve removing part of your stomach.

Combination Surgery: This method combines the effects of both restrictive and malabsorptive surgeries to enhance weight loss.

Adjustable Gastric Banding

Gastric banding is a form of restrictive weight loss surgery. During the procedure, your surgeon places an inflatable silicone band, known as a Lap-Band, around the upper part of the stomach. This creates two sections: a smaller upper pouch and a larger lower section. The two sections are connected by a narrow channel that slows the emptying of the upper pouch. Most people can only eat between half a cup to 1 cup of food at a meal before feeling too full. Additionally, the food should be soft or thoroughly chewed.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Also known as vertical gastric sleeve (VSG) surgery, this is another type of restrictive weight loss surgery. During the procedure, your surgeon removes approximately 80% of your stomach, significantly reducing its capacity. What remains is a narrow tube or “sleeve” roughly the size of a banana, which connects to your intestines. Additionally, by removing a portion of the stomach that produces hunger-inducing hormones, this procedure also helps to decrease your appetite.

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery incorporates both restrictive and malabsorptive techniques.

During the procedure, your surgeon divides the stomach into two sections, sealing off the upper part from the lower part. The upper stomach is then directly connected to the lower section of the small intestine.

Essentially, this surgery creates a shortcut for food, bypassing a portion of the stomach and small intestine. As a result, your body absorbs fewer calories and nutrients.

Which Weight Loss Surgery is the Safest?

The safest form of weight loss surgery in Maryland for you will depend on your health and body type.

For example, if you are severely obese or have a history of abdominal surgery, simpler procedures may not be suitable. Discuss the pros and cons of each option with one of our doctors

Whenever possible, choose a medical center like Maryland Bariatrics that specializes in weight loss surgery. Complications are less likely when the surgery is performed by experienced professionals. Ensure that your surgeon has extensive experience with the specific procedure you need.

Safest Form of Weight Loss Surgery in Maryland

If you are ready to talk about your weight loss surgery options, we are here for you. Here at Maryland Bariatrics, our providers are trained on the latest techniques and safest ways to perform bariatric surgery. To learn more, please contact us today.


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