Self- Pay Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost in Maryland

Self- Pay Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost in Maryland

How much does self-pay gastric bypass surgery cost in Maryland? More than 40% of adults are classified as obese. This excess weight has detrimental effects on your health, as well as your self-esteem. Fortunately, weight loss surgery can help.

What is gastric bypass surgery?

Gastric bypass is a weight loss surgery in which the provider removes about 80% of your stomach. This restricts the amount of food you can ingest, slows digestion, and reduces the hormone responsible for hunger. So, you feel full faster and longer, in addition to consuming fewer calories. This leads to weight loss.

How much do you have to weigh to get gastric bypass?

While the requirements vary a bit, typically you need to have a BMI of 35 or over to qualify for bariatric surgery. Although patients with a BMI of 30-35 with an obesity related condition (sleep apnea, high blood pressure) may also qualify. Your provider will also take into account your ethnicity and other risk factors to determine if you are a good candidate for self-pay gastric bypass in Maryland.

How much does gastric bypass surgery cost in the US?

Self- Pay Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost in Maryland

In the U.S. gastric bypass surgery can cost over $30,000. These costs vary depending on your geographical location, surgeon, hospital fees, existing health conditions, and follow up visits. However, Maryland Bariatrics is proud to offer self-pay gastric bypass surgery for only $15,900. This is the lowest self-pay in the DMV!

Cost of Obesity vs Cost of Gastric Bypass

Adults with obesity have much higher medical expenses. In fact, healthcare for patients with obesity can cost twice as much annually. Paying just 5 years of those higher health care costs is equivalent to paying for bariatric surgery without insurance. Not to mention the non-monetary costs of obesity like heart disease, stroke, infertility, Type 2 diabetes and more.

Self- Pay Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost in Maryland

Bariatric surgery can enhance your quality of life and save you thousands in healthcare costs over your lifetime. Take charge of your weight loss journey today with self-pay gastric bypass in Maryland. Contact Maryland Bariatrics today to schedule consultation.

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